I'm not one for New Year's resolutions but this year I have one -- I'm going to stop saving stuff to use sometime in the future. If you are like me you have a special little stash of yarns you are saving for that special project, you have special ingredients in your kitchen cabinet you are saving for a special recipe or you have something in you closet you are saving to wear on a special occasion.
My challenge to you is -- use it now! What are we waiting for? So this year I going to weave and knit with the cashmere I have been collecting, I'm going to use the lovely handspun I have from Lisa Souza, I going to cook with the flavored olive oils I carryed home from Florence, Italy and I'm going to wear the stuff in my closet or give it away.
Life is way to short to horde this stuff. If you think you aren't ready to dip into you secret yarn stash -- think about this -- do you want to use it or leave for someone to buy someday at your yarn stash sale (the one you have prior to going into assisted living).
The top photo from taken on New Year's Eve, 2007, in Sorrento where they really know how to welcome in the new year!
Wishing all of you a TOTALLY TERRIFIC Secret Stash Busting New Year.
Happy New Year to you Holly! You stash busting Downstairs Deva. L. Diana
Happy new year!
It's funny, I just cut down a warp that had been nothing but trouble and placed it were it belongs - in the trash... And then I dug in to my yarn stash and found me some wool that will be perfect for shawls. And it had been saved for that special warp... Think I'll do some more looking, still got one naked loom.
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